SXSW: The Wall Project
The Wall Project is a collaborative, interactive art installation, that began during SXSW2013. Our goal: to be the presence of Jesus to the city of Austin. A Wall Project for 2014 is in the planning stages. Contact folks at the Christ Church Arts Group for more information!
The 2013 Wall, "Touch the Word," was an 8'x12' mural painted by Jim Janknegt. The mural depicted Jesus’ healings and other actions where He “touched” people. The creation of the painting during the conference sparked conversations while writers and others contributed to two hand-bound journals.
The 2013 Wall, "Touch the Word," was an 8'x12' mural painted by Jim Janknegt. The mural depicted Jesus’ healings and other actions where He “touched” people. The creation of the painting during the conference sparked conversations while writers and others contributed to two hand-bound journals.